歌词开始End of Time - K-391/Alan Walker/Ahrix When things are right then you just know There is something in your eyes that brings me home Cuz when there\'s love you don\'t let go So as long as you\'re with me you\'re not alone you\'ll never be I wanna tell you what I feel and really mean it I wanna shout it from the rooftops to the sky Cus if you ever need a friend You know I\'ll be it from tonight until we see the end of time I\'ll cross my heart And hope to die We\'re always and forever I\'ll be by your side When days are dark And stars don\'t line We\'re always and forever \'til the end- the end of time When we look back and when we\'re old We\'ll see your footprints next to mine along the road And I don\'t know what the future holds But as long as you\'re with me you\'re not alone you\'ll never be I wanna tell you what I feel and really mean it I wanna shout it from the rooftops to the sky Cus if you ever need a friend You know I\'ll be it from tonight until we see the end of time I\'ll cross my heart And hope to die We\'re always and forever I\'ll be by your side When days are dark And stars don\'t line We\'re always and forever \'til the end- the end of time I\'ll cross my heart And hope to die We\'re always and forever I\'ll be by your side When days are dark And stars don\'t line We\'re always and forever \'til the end- the end of time We\'re always and forever \'til the end- the end of time歌词结束(MVP百科网)
歌词开始专辑《深的深》01.玫瑰与小鹿(唱片版).flac02.浅浅.flac03.哥哥.flac0.. (168 )人阅读时间:2024-08-21歌手《周杰伦》演唱会live歌曲+15张专辑+EP+单曲[FLAC/MP3/12.31GB]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
歌词开始歌手简介:周杰伦的父亲周耀中是淡江中学的物理老师,母亲叶惠美是淡江中学的美术老师。周杰伦跟母.. (294 )人阅读时间:2024-08-21歌手《阿黛尔Adele》26张专辑歌曲合集[FLAC/WAV/M4A/MP3/17.50GB]下载/歌词/百度网盘下载
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